SMR Applications
SMR Applications and
Turquoise Power provides scalable, dispatchable energy solutions customized to meet our clients’ unique thermal and power requirements. Our goal is to facilitate the smooth integration of SMRs into their operations, supporting their carbon reduction objectives. Nuclear energy provides a stable and reliable energy supply with advanced safety features as well as minimal land and water requirements.

Integrating SMRs into the Power Grid
To support the decarbonization of the power and utilities sector, our SMR developments leverage scalability and decentralization to enhance efficiency. Unlike large, centralized power plants, SMRs can be distributed geographically, reducing transmission losses and infrastructure requirements. Additionally, SMRs feature load-following capabilities, which allows for the reactors to dynamically adapt to fluctuating demand. This combination makes SMRs a solution for the future of the electrical grids providing resiliency and high uptime with reduced transmission costs.
Powering the Mining industry
SMRs can help mines minimize their emissions and reduce their logistical challenges while providing capacity for additional onsite processing. As a carbon-free power source, SMRs support global decarbonization goals and offer load-following capabilities, reducing the need for onsite battery storage. For mining operations, SMRs also enable onsite hydrogen production, minimizing the logistical burden of fuel shipments for vehicles and power generation, which is particularly advantageous for remote locations.

Data Centers
Transforming the Energy Supply
Data centers will soon face power challenges due to rapidly growing demand and limited carbon-free baseload capacity. Relying exclusively on renewables is challenging due to their intermittent nature, insufficient energy storage capacity and grid infrastructure. Supplemental sources to steady the power supply like natural gas increase emissions and environmental impact.
Turquoise Power can design custom solutions that provide continuous baseload power for data centers. These solutions can be co-located on-site to simplify development or deployed in conjunction with local utilities for added stability. SMRs enable data centers to expand without being constrained by the grid while simultaneously helping them reduce their carbon footprint.
Oil Sands
Revolutionizing Energy in the Oil Sands
SAGD facilities are often in remote locations and require a consistent supply of high-temperature steam, making SMR deployment an ideal solution for their operational needs and climate goals. Our energy solutions streamline operations by removing the need for supporting infrastructure like gas pipelines and carbon capture equipment. Contact us to hear how Turquoise Power can help your operations move towards carbon-free production methods while oil remains a vital part of the energy mix.

Military Bases
Enhancing Energy Security
SMRs deployments can deliver resilient and reliable power to military bases. Operating independently of traditional power grids, SMRs safeguard military operations from external disruptions. Their compact, modular design offers flexible deployment options, and their scalability allows them to meet the unique energy needs of military installations in an everchanging geopolitical landscape.
Petro Chemical & Agri Chemical
Advancing Energy Solutions
Our energy solutions offer significant flexibility in thermal and power output to meet the varying energy demands of process industries. Turquoise Power can help meet your thermal and power needs with SMR developments that feature a small footprint, high uptime, and significant capacity for high-temperature heat and power. Additionally, SMRs also contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, supporting energy-intensive industries to achieve stringent sustainability goals that are increasingly important to both governments and shareholders.

Remote Communities
Providing Reliable Energy to Remote Communities
Turquoise Power empowers remote communities by providing sustainable, carbon-free energy solutions that support daily living as well as fosters local economic growth while preserving natural landscapes. Designed to evolve alongside community needs, these systems emphasize minimal environmental impact with reduced reliance on transportation and usage of traditional carbon fuels as well as the associated infrastructure. Our solutions can also be co-located to minimize the need for costly and disruptive infrastructure development.